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Music for the 4th of July

Posted by Stand Clear 
Music for the 4th of July
June 29, 2007 03:37PM
What's your pick for a 4th of July song? I'll start it out.

X - 4th of July
Re: Music for the 4th of July
June 29, 2007 03:47PM
the first song that popped into my head was this:
When the Top Comes Off - Crucif#*ks (independence of earthworms)
Re: Music for the 4th of July
June 29, 2007 04:38PM
"No More Kings" by Pavement (which is a Schoolhouse Rock cover).
Re: Music for the 4th of July
June 29, 2007 08:10PM
how about "bottle up and explode" by elliott smith? heh.
Re: Music for the 4th of July
July 16, 2007 09:11PM
or "Independence Day" by Elliott Smith. I wasn't gonna be a girl and suggest an Elliott Smith song, but then Beth did it first.
Re: Music for the 4th of July
May 26, 2008 09:52PM
The Clash
I'm so bored with the USA
Re: Music for the 4th of July
May 28, 2008 12:58AM
i played that crucif*cks song last year on the 4th of july. the 4th's on a Friday this year.
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