Berserking is slightly different. Oddly enough, Bears might get better use from it than Cats, because +haste (which is basically what Berserking is) still is not a great stat for kitty; even with Savage Roar, the vast majority of our cheap wow gold comes from special attacks dependent on Energy ticks and not white hits.
I can see Berserking being a nice but not overwhelming DPS boost for cats, but helpful for Bear threat generation in 5-mans, especially if combined with Berserk. In raids, close to the hard expertise cap are you?
As if all of that was not enough, you folks at home will also be able to get in on the action. DirecTV probably will not be filming from the meetup (
world of warcraft gold ), but we will you will be able to tune in live on the Ustream account and join us for the fun. It should be a really terrific time for everybody about WoW Gold, so if you are in Anaheim on Thursday, definitely come by the Anabella and say hello.