Fire at WRUW 91.1 FM...
November 24, 2008 03:23PM
In case some of you haven't heard, a fire broke out at our sister college station WRUW's transmitter site over the weekend. It was a pretty bad one causing the evacuation of most of 400 or so residents at this highrise and forcing WRUW off the air until further notice. They are currently broadcasting via the internet.
Re: Fire at WRUW 91.1 FM...
November 26, 2008 11:36AM
That's a tough break, friend. And if memory serves me correctly, that's the same highrise that's been in the news recently because East Cleveland's mayor is a resident there, etc., etc.

When it rains, it snows.

It's like that time years ago when our own transmitter was struck by lightning.

Hope WRUW is up and on the air again soon.

And thank God the ruddy FCC hasn't shut down college-radio webcasting. One would think this example would make them get the point, but you just know they're still trying to kick 'CSB, 'RUW, and others off-line regardless as to the circumstances.

Bureaucrats simply refuse to learn.
Re: Fire at WRUW 91.1 FM...
December 03, 2008 07:40PM
Well, now we're two weeks into it and no sign of them ever being back. Going into convulsions. At least I can still stream them but I miss listening in my crap I mean car.
Re: Fire at WRUW 91.1 FM...
December 09, 2008 09:25PM
i saw a myspace bulletin sayin they are back on today
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