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Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
March 26, 2008 11:02AM
Apparently, the British feel that their media is so great that anyone with a non-Brit IP address is not allowed to view things like BBC over the internet. This also includes some YouTube videos.

The reason they do this is the same reason why they have regional codes on VHS and DVD. Things around the world get released at different dates. In Chile for example a lot of high profile movies will be released there first before hitting the US to test the market. Because of this they put the region codes so it is dificult to buy movies from other countries and then create bootlegs of it.

UK filters are easy to bypass. There are a lot of PROXY websites that hide your IP address. Unfortunately, a lot of the free ones aren't flash enabled so things like BBC and UK You Tube can't be seen.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/26/2008 01:46PM by xpat138.
Re: F'N UK
March 26, 2008 11:51AM
Apple does this with their music store too. There are things on there that you can't buy in the US store.

<a href="[itunes.apple.com] College Radio iPhone App</a>
Anonymous User
Re: F'N UK
March 26, 2008 01:54PM
Yeah I know.

I was always under the impression that the whole point of the "WWW" was to make it easy for people of the world to communicate, exchange ideas, and learn about people's culture. I find it a little ridiculous that the BBC would do such a thing seeing as they are at the forefront of British media. They are a public representation of British culture. I don't see the point of offering shows on the web limited only to their own country when folks over there can just as easily flick on the telly.
Re: F'N UK
April 02, 2008 02:25PM
2 thoughts:

BBC is the epitome of socialism: government provided media, yet a massive corporation in of itself.

Porn is not usually coded. YAY!!

Rockstar Mode
Late Sat./ early Sun.
2-7 am EDT
Anonymous User
Re: F'N UK
April 11, 2008 04:01PM
I recently found out that Firefox offers a plug-in that can by-pass some of these IP filters.

They are mainly for Arabic websites like Iran and Syria but it can also by-pass some BBC filters as well.

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