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The cost of a FUCK

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
The cost of a FUCK
June 26, 2008 06:52PM
This is in reference to an earlier post tittled:

"supreme court to hear case on indecency..."
Posted by: boogiepop some time in March.

Today one of the topics discussed on Counter Spin (wed 12:30pm -1pm) was about the Supreme Court hearing this coming fall on Fox Vs. FCC.

If You wish to hear the program you can go to:
<a href="">[www.fair.org];

The article is on the last five minutes of the program.

In the last topic started by boogiepop, we mainly discussed our concerns regarding content and censorship if the FCC where to win against FOX. I had stated that there was a good chance that FOX would win the case seeing how they have allies in the supreme court.

Thinking about only if FOX wins, that it would be something positive for broad casted media where we would be less fearful of the FCC for playing nasty things. However, I did not realize until today what will actually be on trial here come fall.

This all started in 2006 with the FCC's new policy on "fleeting expletives", where the FCC would actively fine broadcasters for airing indecent material during prime time. FOX aired some award show where someone swore and it was broadcasted thus the case.

At this point according to the Courts the FCC has failed to define and/or clearly clarify on this policy and what constitutes a fleeting expletives. So for right now, FoX is in the clear.

At this point this is being taken to the supreme court and the argument to this case is becoming dangerous for Broadcasted media and the public particularly for stations like WCSB and those who dedicate their programming to the publics interest.

The Red Lion decision and the fairness doctrine, are FCC policies that kind of go hand in hand. These policies make sure that media represents and/or express the publics interest. These policies are what restricts certain commercials being aired during children's programming. In fact this decision pretty much established that every station should dedicate a certain portion of their on air time to public affairs and educational programing. These policies require stations to allow opposing views when a one sided opinion is aired. In short these policies where created so the few people who do own media outlets do not abuse their power to the fullest.

The internet is playing a big part on FOX's attempt on potentially abolishing The Red Lion decision. If they are successful the way we know TV and Radio would completely change. For decades companies like fox including former FCC administrators have attempted on dissolving this decision stating that TV and Radio are just like a home appliance, like your washing machine and your toaster, and that the government should not interfere with aired content just like they don't interfere with what type of bread you put in your toaster.

If FOX wins, the relevance of the FCC may be at steak. WCSB, is know for not liking the FCC because we believe that they limit our freedom of expression. However, there are many codes, laws and ordinance that The FCC has installed in order to protect us and make our existence relevant.

As Uncle Ben once said "with great powers come great responsibility".

Freedom of speech is a great thing as well as freedom of the press but not when it is done irresponsibly and it is unchecked.

The cost of a "Fuck" is not worth loosing that.

Here are some sources:




Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/26/2008 08:38PM by xpat138.
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