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Whatever happened to the Fourth Wall with Laurence?

Posted by Kid WOW 
Whatever happened to the Fourth Wall with Laurence?
December 16, 2007 06:36PM
It was a very unique show showcasing soundtrack music for a half hour, then went into a discussion show regarding movies and such for 90 minutes. I miss the show.
Re: Whatever happened to the Fourth Wall with Laurence?
February 22, 2008 11:42AM
Yeah, I remember calling in some years ago to discuss "bug movies" -- and straining my voice to sing the "Mothra" theme!
Re: Whatever happened to the Fourth Wall with Laurence?
April 23, 2011 10:33PM
Laurence was selling washing machines door to door the last I heard
Anonymous User
Re: Whatever happened to the Fourth Wall with Laurence?
October 05, 2011 08:09PM
jacktenbeers Wrote:
> Laurence was selling washing machines door to door
> the last I heard

really?i just looking for it......
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