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Rock Hall/CMJ Festival Is Dead

Posted by Stand Clear 
Rock Hall/CMJ Festival Is Dead
April 07, 2007 12:01PM
The Rock Hall has decided to not have the CMJ Festival anymore.

I believed it was going to become better each year. Apparently they didn't want to do the work. I know a ton of WCSB, WRUW, and WJCU staffers tried their best to make it work.

Thanks to I Rock Cleveland for the heads up on this. I'm sure the Rock Hall would have kept this as quiet as possible until it was too late to start preparations for this years festival.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/2007 12:03PM by Stand Clear.
Re: Rock Hall/CMJ Festival Is Dead
April 07, 2007 02:35PM
It was in the Plain Dealer today (Saturday, 04/07/07).
Re: Rock Hall/CMJ Festival Is Dead
April 12, 2007 01:32PM
The CMJ rarely had anybody worth listening to, as well as the fact that it is a shitty magazine. No, it really isn't a journal other than the fact that it is for those in the industry. Real journals do not have ads--they rely on subscription only. Therefore it is merely a (bad) magazine.
Re: Rock Hall/CMJ Festival Is Dead
April 07, 2008 10:02PM
Does anyone knowwhat exhibits are at the rock hall these days?

Re: Rock Hall/CMJ Festival Is Dead
April 08, 2008 10:03AM
No. All I know is that they put on a really crappy "Latin" music festival. It has sucked every year, since they apparently seem to think that only salsa qualifies as "Latin" music.
Anonymous User
Re: Rock Hall/CMJ Festival Is Dead
April 08, 2008 11:48AM
We knew about this since last CMJ.

CMJ are the ones who drop the ball they did not make any money. Venues like the Grog were getting shafted with the "all access pass". The first year it was here we were asked to get involved. The second year all the big radio stations were promoting everything we were not even asked to attended if I remember correctly.

Beth an I went to see the Dirt Bombs and one of the bands that played before them thanked Energizer batteries and Coors for putting them on.

Personally I do not think CMJ represents what it suppose to. I think it has gotten so big that now it is just the 1st stepping stone of big label music. Granted there are bands that make it there that don't see corporate air play but still and I am sure there are plenty of bands who make it that I enjoy or would. However, the majority of my musical taste and Beth's do not even see the day light in the Charts primarily because it is not new and the new stuff that we do get we get it straight out of the band because we like it not because we were told "Hey listen to this shit it i DA bomb!".

The college music scene (COLLEGE RADIO) should be more involved in CMJ. Now it is a corporate radio vehicle and an advertising gimmick to make things sound more "edgy". You see it on TV. Watch an episode of SNL (if you can stand it) check out Budweiser's feature artist. Those groups come from the up and coming CMJ top 10 list.

As a college radio station we do them a great service by charting all their music for them, they in turn give us free music which in my opinion suck major ass. I would much rather buy our own music than get free shitty crap. At least when we buy music it is the station who has a say on what is worth putting in our library or not.

Autonomy is the key to free thinking!

Most of the artist played in the decent satellite radio channels pretty much come from the CMJ list too. Satellite radio in my opinion is getting just as bad as commercial terrestrial radio. Sure you hear more of what you want but if you listen to it long enough you start hearing the same thing over and over again.

I do agree however that events like CMJ help promote Cleveland and people to music that the average Joe listening to regular commercial FM radio would not otherwise know about it. I am just disappointed as to how a good idea got sucked in the corporate machine.

If we where organized enough and all our local station got off our asses and were motivated enough to do something about it we could easily put out something comparable to CMJ. However, the reality is that it is hard enough to get our own events rollings sometime.

I like music festivals they are a good Idea however all the ones who started out small with good intentions and are now nationally known have forgotten their initial mission as to why they where created in the first place. WOODSTOCK, Lalapalooza to name a few.

We have been so used to the Idea of self-serve everything that we just let good opportunities pass us by just out of convenience.

In SHORT: CMJ can suck a fat one!
Re: Rock Hall/CMJ Festival Is Dead
April 13, 2008 05:29AM
Well said, XPat. The meatmen's "College Radio Loser" cites CMJ and NME by name and describes to a "T" most college radio.

At least CMJ cannot make us play their shitty cd's--we may get them, but WE decide what to play. Yay!

From what I understand, it WAS CMJ's fault (Schulte was Promotions at the time and he confirmed this to me in class). I heard the venues were fabulous (as usual). Just fucked up by CMJ.

Rockstar Mode
Late Sat./ early Sun.
2-7 am EDT
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