I got pizza from this kid every week...
March 03, 2009 09:38AM
This is a strange story about a Jimmy's Pizza employee who Atrophyne and I would get pizza from at least once a week. [www.fox8.com] It was a real stupid move on his part but I feel bad about the whole thing. He was nice kid and it would be a true tragedy if he was robbing the bank to help support the family business. I have noticed that Jimmy's business was hurting but I was shocked to see this story on the news last night.
BTW Jimmy's Pizza is in the Pinball Locator thread in this forum because they have Elvira's Party Monsters pinball machine which I played for about an hour a few months ago.

Re: I got pizza from this kid every week...
March 03, 2009 11:48PM
I was in Las Vegas a few years back and found an Elvira slot machine. I'm not normally a slot player. I went up to check out the machine and noticed there was a $20 credit on the machine. I looked around to se if anyone was coming toward it to reclaim their money. Seeing no one around, I put in a dollar thinking that if there was a problem with another customer of the casino, I could say that I put my money in. Anyhow, It was a nickel machine with a ton of betting lines. I hit the maximum bet button and let it spin. I hit pay dirt about 6 different ways. I cashed out with $50 of ill gotten booty.

Sorry to hear about your pizza guy becoming another ward of the state, Craig. I heard a statistic today that 1 in 31 people in the US are either in prison, on probation or on parole. The downward spiral of the economy is probably going to increase that number.
Re: I got pizza from this kid every week...
March 04, 2009 09:47AM
He is not in prison...he was shot and killed on Westwood Rd when he drew a fake gun on Westlake Police. Except for cleanup, no further action was required by the courts.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2009 10:13AM by sweetasssassafrass.
Re: I got pizza from this kid every week...
March 15, 2009 02:34AM
Re: I got pizza from this kid every week...
March 16, 2009 08:43AM
Sorry to hear about that. It is tragic, but when you look at the video, there is no doubt that this kid wanted "death by cops". Sad but true.
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