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Pinball-locator Thread

Posted by sweetasssassafrass 
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
February 12, 2009 06:44PM
Played T3 at Beckys yesterday and even the RGP finally worked. Fun stern bar game and gald it's in good shape winking smiley

Re: Pinball-locator Thread
February 18, 2009 05:56AM
Spitfire on W.117th has Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, although it appears to be broken already as it has been OOO for at least a week.
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
February 27, 2009 08:39AM

Great Tommy at Panini's in Conventry. Play great 100% and played it for hours last night.

Re: Pinball-locator Thread
March 18, 2009 01:37PM
FRI 3/20 - 12pm to 10pm & SAT 3/21 - 9am to 8pm

5th Annual Ohio Pinball Festival @ Emido Expo Center ( 48 E. Bath Road in Cuyahoga Falls / www.ohiopinballshow.com )

(Thanks to Steve Z for passing along the info.)
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
March 24, 2009 11:51AM
I went Saturday 3/21 to the Ohio Pinball Show and it was pretty cool. I played many machines I have not seen in years. I will post a list of the games and hopefully some pix when I have a chance.
Also, Jasmine from WCSB mentioned on the show last week that the ABC Bar on W25th has a game called Dark Rose. She said it was in good repair and worth actually going to a bar on W25th st.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2009 11:52AM by sweetasssassafrass.
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
April 01, 2009 09:18PM
I enjoyed the show in Akron as well. Went both Friday & Saturday.

Need to head to ABC so thanks for the post.
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
June 08, 2009 03:27PM
Update:Becky's now has ToM
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
June 17, 2009 04:39AM
Becky's has Theater of Magic but it was OOO last Friday 6/11/09.

Re: Pinball-locator Thread
August 18, 2009 10:38AM
Theater of Magic is in perferct repair @ Becky's. I 'highly' recommend it as I had hours of enjoyment the other day playing it (and either won or matched a few free games as well).
I have heard the Happy Dog [www.myspace.com] has Addam's Family in good repair which is arguably the holy grail of pinballers.
Update: Holiday Inn, Westlake, INVADERS FROM MARS (the older one with the vibrating aliens), NBA Fast Break, Roller Games

Re: Pinball-locator Thread
November 24, 2009 11:34PM
Common Grounds at Kamm's Corner has Tales from the Crypt and Star Trek; The Next Generation and both seem in decent working order. The replays and high scores are way up there because of all the caffeinated folks playing them all the time...But I am not complaining about anyplace on Earth that has TWO pinball machines. BTW Now That's Class has an old-school pinball machine (I am not sure which one) that is set up for continuous FREE play.

Re: Pinball-locator Thread
December 13, 2009 10:16AM
Alas, Tales from the Crypt is no longer @ Common Grounds and has been replaced by an Out of Order Hook table?!?!!? sad smiley But at least there is potential for two pinball tables at one location on the West Side of Creepland.

Re: Pinball-locator Thread
January 06, 2010 10:04AM
Common Grounds Update: Hook is gone, but Star Trek: The Next Generation is in excellent repair and giving up the free plays.

More pinball info available @ www.669radio.com

Re: Pinball-locator Thread
February 01, 2010 02:42PM

Common Grounds now has Hook back and in good repair.
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
March 01, 2010 05:27PM
I see I need to make it over to common grounds...what is the address?

Re: Pinball-locator Thread
March 02, 2010 09:52AM
Common Grounds
17104 Lorain Rd.
Cleveland, Ohio 44111

Phone: 216.252.4768
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
March 03, 2010 05:54PM
Any food and are they open for lunch? I work downtown
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
March 11, 2010 02:09PM
Things are on the upswing this Spring.
Buckeye Lanes has Monopoly and Demolition Man.
Becky's replaced TOM with South Park.
Now That's Class has a classic machine.
The Ohio Pinball Show is coming up [ohiopinballshow.com]
Happy Dog has Addam's Family, Twilight Zone and they are starting a Pinball League.
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
March 14, 2010 07:51PM
Doc & Louie's on Lorain Rd. in North Olmsted has Simpson's Pinball Party in excellent repair.

Re: Pinball-locator Thread
March 22, 2010 09:47PM
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
October 26, 2010 05:29AM
Pacers (Previously Scorchers) downtown on 12th & Superior, just got a Monopoly Pin
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
November 11, 2010 01:28PM
Sorry I'm a few years late on this awesome fucking thread, but I want to offer what I know. I have been looking for pinballs in Cleveland non-stop and it's very difficult but here's what I've found. I hope I revive this thread.

The Chamber (Lakewood) - They have 2 machines but one wasn't working, the other was in horrible lighting conditions. I wish I could remember the titles, but they were both newer games from the mid 90's.
Swings N Things (Olmsted Fals) - Strike XTreme, Lethal Weapon 3, Ripley's Believe It Or Not, Bram Stroker's Dracula, Southpark, and Revenge From Mars
The Jolly Scholar (located at the Thwing Center at Case Western): Congo
Boneyard Mayfield Heights - The have a couple but I was so drunk I can't remember the titles.
Happy Dog (W58/Detroit) - Twilight Zone, Theatre of Magic, and I forgot the third one, I think it might have been Adams Family. They are 3 of the top modern games, if that's your style (not mine so much).
Grog Shop - Simpsons (??) last itme I was there I think it was as recent as 6 months ago they still had it.
IX Center - I believe the game room below the ferris wheel is there year round, but the indoor amusement park in March-April has several of them.
Cedar Point - As previously mentioned.

Places that should but don't: Dave & Busters, and Kalahari, both have arcades but no pinball....

There's several bars in Lakewood that have some, but I can't remember the names of the bars. Also - bowling alley's usually have one or two, and fun centers/mini golf sorta places almost all have arcades with some pinball. I am sick of going to these shitty places looking for pinball, but I am making my rounds to them as I get around. Swings N Things had 6 games but all were dot matrix games that I hate. It was still nice to see that many in one place.

Pinball Shoppe in North Olmsted sells pinball machines and you can try them out (if you pretend you're interested). Danny Vegh's on Lorain also has pinball machines. There is NO OTHER dealer in NE Ohio, no matter how hard you look, I tried for months and gave up.

I'll post more as I find them. Thanks Sweetassassafrass for starting this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wanna buy a machine? CRAIGSLIST is the absolute best way, that's how I got the ones I bought.
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
December 09, 2010 03:25PM
Winter is here in Cleveland. Time for a game?
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
December 13, 2010 08:31AM
I think Happy Dog has Medievil Madness and not Theater of Magic, either way they have three machines and that makes them extra cool.

Re: Pinball-locator Thread
February 21, 2011 11:01AM
How do I post a pictures here? I have one from Happy Dog February 2011.

Re: Pinball-locator Thread
March 15, 2011 11:25PM
Ohio Pinball Show in a couple of weeks:

Ohio Pinball Show
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
March 16, 2011 09:59AM
Sadly, Common Grounds no longer has any pinball machines and no plans on getting any in the future

Re: Pinball-locator Thread
August 24, 2011 06:35PM
Hey dudes

Harbor Inn in the flats (referred to as the "Anchor Bar" in one of the posts) still has a great T3 machine.
Parkview (3 blocks north of Happy Dog on W. 58th) has Lord of the Rings.
Lincoln Park Pub has Simpsons
Rowley Inn (Across the street from The Christmas Story House, near Tremont) recently removed their bowling and Asteroids machines.. When I was there 2 weeks ago they had Lord of the Rings and Fish Tales (Fish Tales was not plugged in though).

Anyone know if Twilight Zone at happy dog is broken? Every time I am there it is off...

this site has been helpful - if you know of any other places you should add them

Also useful for other cities...
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
January 25, 2012 01:34PM
Pacers downtown now has a brand new Rolling Stones (can't get into that game at all).

Re: Pinball-locator Thread
December 08, 2012 11:54AM
Any fresh updates to this list? I was at the Happy Dog last night and played on a couple of good machines there, plus they started a pinball league this Fall - wondering about other places that have good pinball in NE Ohio
Re: Pinball-locator Thread
December 08, 2012 11:55AM
I see there are a lot of places made note of in previous comments, but so many of them are from at least a year ago or more, wondering what's current for today : ) thanks for any help
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