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Live Transmission rawks!

Posted by Ben DeDominicis 
Live Transmission rawks!
May 24, 2007 09:46AM
She plays my old favorites like Brian Eno, reminding me to go to amazon.com to check out anything new by them.
Re: Live Transmission rawks!
July 19, 2007 10:14AM
Who was Nicky Sutton?
Re: Live Transmission rawks!
July 20, 2007 11:27AM
I believe you meant "Nikki Sudden". He co-founded Swell Maps in 1972 w/his brother Epic Soundtracks. Sudden died in spring of last year, and yesterday would've been his 50th birthday. One of the greatest rock bands ever.

Re: Live Transmission rawks!
July 21, 2007 03:54AM
Thanks Krauty. I recall your show commemorated his birthday as well.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2007 03:55AM by SpudBoy.
Re: Live Transmission rawks!
July 26, 2007 09:46AM
Brian Eno makes an old man like me feel young again!
Re: Live Transmission rawks!
July 26, 2007 11:19AM
Your show is the closest thing on WCSB to an old school retro "flashback."
Re: Live Transmission rawks!
July 27, 2007 03:23PM
aw, thank you for listening!

i've been meaning to reply, but i suck and i forgot my password and didn't have it reset until just recently.
Re: Live Transmission rawks!
July 29, 2007 04:07AM
Buddha plays Eno virtually every week!

Rockstar Mode
Late Sat./ early Sun.
2-7 am EDT
Re: Live Transmission rawks!
August 13, 2007 12:39PM
Yeah, I know this thread is really old. But I just want to say that I like "Live Transmission" too!

"This is No Money Mark. Why are you listening to WCSB Cleveland?"
Re: Live Transmission rawks!
August 23, 2007 09:26AM
Great show today! I am moving offices so unfortunately I am being kicked out so I can't listen to the rest of it.
Re: Live Transmission rawks!
August 30, 2007 10:53AM
aw, thanks mark!

and moving offices doesn't sound like much fun. boo.
Re: Live Transmission rawks!
August 31, 2007 10:54AM
I had advising sessions with first year students from around eastern Europe yesterday, with livetransmission in the background, incarcerating them in the WCSB Chinese opium prison.
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