The Mysterious Black Box Radio Show Presents:
Noise Orgy for the Eye'ds of March!!
Wednesday March 14th 7pm-9pm on WCSB 89.3fm
(eastern standard time)
You can tune in from anywhere in the world with this link:
listen online
Live noise, experimental sound, and improvisation over the airwaves featuring some of the best performers in NE Ohio:
The Bob Drake/Alex Henry/Nate Scheible Trio - experimental electronics, homebuilt synths, saxophone, drums and percussion
Glacial23 - modular synths + electronics
Murderous Vision - dark ambient + industrial noise
The Smiley Orange Beverage - Jack Smiley/Tom Orange/Robert Beveridge - experimental soundscapes
*Each band will perform a set, and at the end of the show, all the musicians will collaborate together for a NOISE ORGY!!!