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Ingenuity Festival July 19-22

Posted by coolchicana 
Ingenuity Festival July 19-22
July 16, 2007 01:45PM
Are we really doing this or what? Talk to me people. Need details and some of our listeners may actually want to stop by and visit. Llamame!hot smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Ingenuity Festival July 19-22
July 16, 2007 01:49PM
we are
Re: Ingenuity Festival July 19-22
July 18, 2007 03:16PM

There you will find event descriptions in all categories, maps, schedules of all events.

This year this thing will be held b/w E.13th street and E.24th street/Chester Ave to Euclid Ave.

The admission per day is $5 - that gets you in to everything for the day.
An all-weekend pass (for all events, 4 days - Thursday to Sunday) is $15.

(seems like a bargain)

Most of the events are in the Playhouse Square Theaters, along Euclid Ave. between E.13th and E. 22nd, and on Cleveland State's Campus.

There are lots of things happening. Check the descrips and schedules on their website.

Here are some things that are of interest to me:

Samba for 1000 Drums (opening ceremony) - Thurs 7/19 - 5:30pm - CSU Plaza

Cyro Baptista and Beat the Donkey - Fri. 7/20 - 7:30pm - plain dealer main stage

Grandmaster Flash - Sat. 7/21pm - 10pm - plain dealer main stage

Die Audie Gruppe - Audio Ballerinas & Audio Geishas - Palace Stage Door Alley - various times - check website schedule

Lisa K. Locke - "Gravity Well Movement" - 1510 Euclid - various times - check website schedule

Melissa Daubert - interactive Bubble Sculptures - CSU Family Pavilion

Jennifer Lewin - "Laser Harps" - Ohio Theater Rhineberger Lobby - all festival hours

FIREWORKS - after Gospel thing on Sunday night - 9pm

"Remodeled Media" - Fri 7/21 11:30pm-12:30 - plain dealer main stage

"In the Shadow of the Moon" (NASA film) - Fri 7/20 - 7-9pm - Palace Theater

Michael Lehto - "Hidden Costs" - (interactive system installation about the environmental impact of consumerism) - 1516 Euclid - open all festival hours

NASA Glenn 3-D Theater - Palace Theater - various times, check the website schedule.

**There are a lot of other things happening too, these are the ones that caught my eye. PLEASE check the official schedule for times/locations to double check this information for yourself.
Re: Ingenuity Festival July 19-22
July 24, 2007 01:50PM
I didn't see a CSB presence there...
Anonymous User
Re: Ingenuity Festival July 19-22
July 24, 2007 07:27PM
that is cause we wuz not there... we where put in the "we todd edd" section, in a play pen, in the CSU courtyard.
Re: Ingenuity Festival July 19-22
July 25, 2007 11:14AM
we should have just infiltrated. i'm still mad that the vikettes used my cd player without asking.
Re: Ingenuity Festival July 19-22
July 26, 2007 09:47AM
I guess we should be grateful they came and saved the day for the 2 or 3 members of the public that actually showed up for the entire event.(not!) Although I did take some pictures for Sweetass and the Smoking Loon.
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