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Silly questions from the apprentice(s)

Posted by CultJam 
Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
March 23, 2007 04:42PM
Is it true that the couch in the break room is germ-infested? I believe I heard the word "cooties" used to describe it.

If so, how does one protect oneself if one needs to take a nap on it?
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
March 23, 2007 09:26PM
yes it is true. once Felipe took a nap on it and he woke up with some sort of boil on his neck near his ear where his head had been resting on the couch. anytime i lay on it i bring a couple bedsheets and towels along and line the couch with them.

Drinking Electricity-all your new wave, no wave and post-punk favorites
Friday nights 9pm-11pm
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
March 23, 2007 10:22PM
i would recommend napping on the floor. it is more sanitary.
Anonymous User
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
March 24, 2007 03:29PM
yes but the floor is very hard and you get some sort of draft when you sleep floor level...you have to ask for the executive space heater when sleeping on the floor. I prefer sleeping on the music or promotion director's desk. They have more crap on their desk than min thus it is more padded plus I get all the envelopes with the bubble rap in then and mare my self a nice envelope mattress and pillow.
This is how you survive being a real programmer at the station...fucking neophyte!(JK)
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
March 24, 2007 04:42PM
Why doesn't someone just bring in a can of lysol and a paper towel?
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
March 24, 2007 06:42PM
I just don't worry about the couch. I mean, all WCSB members hold themselves to a high standard of hygiene and wash themselves at least once every other day. Right?
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
March 26, 2007 08:58AM
lysol and a paper towel may have worked about 20 years ago...unfortunately something MUCH stronger (and probably as yet uninvented) would be the only solution at this point!

Drinking Electricity-all your new wave, no wave and post-punk favorites
Friday nights 9pm-11pm
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
March 26, 2007 05:56PM
Perhaps a weekly dose of harsh and very loud feedback would vibrationally sanitize the entire room? Has this been attempted?
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
March 31, 2007 03:28PM
I think WCSB should buy a new couch after the next Radiothon. ;-)

"This is No Money Mark. Why are you listening to WCSB Cleveland?"
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 01, 2007 06:06PM
Maybe the station could work out a deal with Norton Furniture, because if you can't get credit there, you can't get credit anywhere. Or maybe you can get some bench seats out of an old car at the Pearl Road salvage place.
Anonymous User
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 02, 2007 04:55PM
nah what we need is some cots
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 02, 2007 11:55PM
I vote for cots. They are totally underrated.

WCSB World New Tonight with the Living Peter Jennings airing Sundays noon to 2 p.m.
Classic and modern indie rock.
Anonymous User
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 03, 2007 10:14AM
we should get those old skool bed mats that we use to have when we wuz lil' and have us some nap time. I think there should be a state law along with the minimum of a half hour lunch that there should be a mandatory nap time included with lunch.
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 03, 2007 03:10PM
my friend Audra and i always got in trouble for talking during naptime and we'd have go to sit at our desks while everyone else took naps.

Drinking Electricity-all your new wave, no wave and post-punk favorites
Friday nights 9pm-11pm
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 03, 2007 11:55PM
Old people rubbed our backs when we took naps. That was kind of weird.
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 04, 2007 09:04AM
um...did you go to school at a rest home for old decrepit perverts? or do you mean more like old ladies who never had grandchildren and so they used you guys as surrogates?

either way...

Drinking Electricity-all your new wave, no wave and post-punk favorites
Friday nights 9pm-11pm
Anonymous User
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 04, 2007 12:26PM
I think having old people rub your back is quite practical and healthy...their fingers are already coated with Ben gay and arthritis cream.
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 04, 2007 06:42PM
ive slept in parking lots and (most likely) airports that were less cleaner than the couch in the lounge. youre fine.


carnage asada [U GNARLIN?]
thursday night 11p-1a

you will miss me when im gone. you will miss my hateful song.
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 05, 2007 11:44AM
yeah, bring a sheet. or a bucket of sanitizer.
Anonymous User
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 05, 2007 12:36PM
achtungpeligro Wrote:
> ive slept in parking lots and (most likely)
> airports that were less cleaner than the couch in
> the lounge. youre fine.

Man your really tough man...airports and parking lots?!
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 06, 2007 12:18AM
xpat138 Wrote:
> achtungpeligro Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ive slept in parking lots and (most likely)
> > airports that were less cleaner than the couch
> in
> > the lounge. youre fine.
> Man your really tough man...airports and parking
> lots?!

my board is more comforting than the shoulder of a woman when you have layover in chicago.


carnage asada [U GNARLIN?]
thursday night 11p-1a

you will miss me when im gone. you will miss my hateful song.
Anonymous User
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 06, 2007 05:05AM
ooh yeah!
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 11, 2007 03:28PM

I saw the cooties with my own eyes.

Looked like small snowflakes that never melt.

Some call them "dandruff".


Okay, so I'll be clinical. Tiny snowflakes that don't melt are caused by a fungus and are contagious. This condition is treatable by special shampoos. I can't be certain of this, but it's highly unlikely that the couch cushions themselves contain the special shampoo, so most likely rubbing one's head on them will not cure the dandruff condition, if that's what someone is thinking. Lots of people have the "D", it's not something to be ashamed of, but cootie-fying the couch, well.... that seems to be a matter of ethics, perhaps? Any philosophy majors on here?

I apologize if I have offended anyone. Particularly if I offended the gnome. They're some sort of elemental and shouldn't be messed with. If The Gnome is the cause of the cooties, best to pretend like the tiny snowflakes don't exist.
Anonymous User
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 12, 2007 12:09AM
In short
Are we trying to make a motion here to get a new couch?
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 12, 2007 11:38AM
god forbid! remember how long it took us to find ours?? better start looking now so we have it by 2010!

Drinking Electricity-all your new wave, no wave and post-punk favorites
Friday nights 9pm-11pm
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 12, 2007 01:01PM
The couch...Yeah, I've taken many naps on it, but so has Lapone. You take your chances, much like unprotected sex. You may want to bring a sheet, but if you don't, only blame yourself. At least you can use the headphones again, since Russ left. Ugghh!! Talk about filthy! If Lysol is there, it's only because somebody was being selfish and wanted to rid of "special" odors. However, that is unlikely.
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 17, 2007 01:39AM
new couch isnt a bad idea.


carnage asada [U GNARLIN?]
thursday night 11p-1a

you will miss me when im gone. you will miss my hateful song.
Anonymous User
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 17, 2007 01:11PM
Well I just went to IKEA this last weekend and I brought a catalog I can Bring it on the next GSM and we can all ooh and ahhh!
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 19, 2007 12:16PM
for the record i dont think dandruff is fungus..i think its just dry skin....am i wrong?
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 20, 2007 05:37PM
Maybe we should get a retro 70s style vinyl couch. Then it actually could be wiped down with disinfectant, effectively.

Another question: how on earth did that couch get into the station in the first place? Were the walls built around it? It would probably have to be dismantled and taken out in pieces.
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