Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 23, 2007 08:37AM
i guarantee someone garbage-picked it back in '84

Drinking Electricity-all your new wave, no wave and post-punk favorites
Friday nights 9pm-11pm
Anonymous User
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 25, 2007 02:16AM
Maybe it was Wainstead's
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 29, 2007 12:55AM
The couch we have now isn't so bad. The biggest problem with the couch is not it's age just the hygiene of those that lay upon it. Maybe we need to bring up bathing techniques at the next GSM. Maybe we could hold a "Hose down a DJ" fundraiser or at least get a dunking booth at Springfest. Does the school still hold Springfest? Does anyone care?

Scruggscorp Syndicated Radio
Sunday Nights, Midnight- 2 AM
Anonymous User
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
April 30, 2007 12:04PM
For those who Care.....
The school indeed has and just recently had a spring fest. I was trying to organize at least a table for our Station but the people in charge never got back to me in time. By the time I found out it was too late to get people to volunteer. Nevertheless, it rained that day so it sucked anyways but we will still have our CD and merch Sale THIS THURSDAY AND FRIDAY FROM 11AM TO 3PM. Bunch of Crappy CD and some GREAT WCSB logo ITEMS some come on By the UC cage....that's the ugly glass building on the Euclid side of the Campus.
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
May 05, 2007 02:24AM
so are we getting a new couch or not? i think the lapone zone would have its energy put into chaos if this did happen.


carnage asada [U GNARLIN?]
thursday night 11p-1a

you will miss me when im gone. you will miss my hateful song.
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
May 07, 2007 09:25AM
Nevermind the couch, something stunk fiecely in main air today.

WCSB World New Tonight with the Living Peter Jennings airing Sundays noon to 2 p.m.
Classic and modern indie rock.
Anonymous User
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
May 08, 2007 10:57AM
I found out about the history of our couch and unfortunately how we got it was not interesting at all.
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
May 08, 2007 05:20PM
You know, maybe we dont need a couch at all!

Dread Claytor simply sleeps with his head on the board.

I looks very effective.
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
May 09, 2007 08:16AM
xpat138 Wrote:
> I found out about the history of our couch and
> unfortunately how we got it was not interesting at
> all.

please don't tell us. don't kill the dream.

Drinking Electricity-all your new wave, no wave and post-punk favorites
Friday nights 9pm-11pm
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
May 09, 2007 03:36PM
I agree, don't spill the beans.

Myths and legends are so often more compelling than fact and reality.

I bet there are potential stories to be told by every square inch of the studio. The vacuum cleaner in particular has a mysterious brooding quality bordering on the sinister, although the face it shows the world is one of benevolence and submission. There are reasons why the broom and dustpan unexplainably migrate to other corners of the room in the wee hours of the morning.
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
July 18, 2007 09:19AM
Dandruff is just flaked scalp skin that has died off. We don't need a new couch. I would rather us save the money for more important shit, like a $450,000 crack party.

Rockstar Mode
Late Sat./ early Sun.
2-7 am EDT
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
July 19, 2007 12:24PM
Actually, you can probably clone a good majority of the station members and guests from the last say 5 years or so from the dna left on that thing. Our current couch, is actually fairly new compared to the old one. I believe the odor from the last became so overwhelming that our current couch had to be brought in. The previous one was a true monstocity.(anyone remember the heinous yarn afghan/throw?) This one is fairly small in comparison, however, the super funk smell is becoming just as strong. You still can't smell it from the hallway though. A vinyl one definitely has my vote, if I could vote. Maybe Norton's furniture can give us a discount? Also, I say investing in a crate of Lysol is also a good idea. In the meanwhile, unless your girlfriend is a throwback to the 90's grunge scene, or has no running water in her apt, I don't recommend bringing her there.
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
July 19, 2007 08:25PM
actually, we could get one of those doctor examination tables that have the scrolling paper covers and convert it into a couch. it would be long enough for napping on and your skin wouldn't stick to the paper (like it would to vinyl).
Re: Silly questions from the apprentice(s)
July 20, 2007 08:45AM
that might work but it would probably lead to a great deal of mischief, maybe even 1st degree misdemeanors.
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