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American ethnic/racial/gender pride days

Posted by SpudBoy 
American ethnic/racial/gender pride days
March 17, 2009 01:10AM
To promote German-American political activism, Dr. Joe Wendel should advocate designating Gen. Eisenhower & V-E Day, May 8, to celebrate German-American contributions to our national experience.

He and a resurrected Krauty McKraut could co-produce the WCSB inaugural celebration show.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2009 01:13AM by SpudBoy.
Re: American ethnic/racial/gender pride days
March 17, 2009 09:52AM
Isn't that what Octoberfests are for?

Ethnocentric parades bug me. This on the day that thousands will puke green all over Cleveland streets.

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