Cleveland's own
Full Armor of God Broadcast "The Radio Show Satan Fears Most" would love to be aired on WCSB! Though the show first began as community volunteers at WJCU, we are pretty much done with CRAP over there. Skinner from Peabody's told us that we should see if WCSB would put us on. I spoke with someone there that said you were going to be airing us, but I didn't see us on the schedule, so I guess we aren't. Maybe as a fill in only if at all?? Since we are an EXTREME Christian Metal Show, perhaps early Sunday morning might be fitting. Anytime would be good. I know that being Christian sounds like a turn off, but we are not like other "STICK IN THE MUD" so called Christian hypocrites.. I know I am an A-hole, just like everyone else, so I can admit it.. he he..
PLEASE at least check it out and give us a chance.. Please!!!!! TY
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/17/2009 09:20PM by Kuba.