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Posted by Sweet Mazurka 
June 27, 2007 02:52PM
Hi Everyone,

Kickball rematch will take place this Sunday.

Clark Field in Tremont at 1pm. Felipe tells us WRUW has agreed to actually show up this time, and he'll have shirts ready for the folks who signed up last time.

I gave John's balls back to him (uh-huh), so we should borrow them again.
June 28, 2007 06:59PM
who has directions?
June 28, 2007 09:26PM
As far as I can tell it is here
June 29, 2007 01:13PM
wow i totally can't understand that. who chose the location? it would be funny if, since a lot ofthem are most likely eastsiders, no one from WRUW could find their way there. ha
June 29, 2007 03:35PM

From East Side via I-90 heading West:

90W to innerbelt downtown
take W.14th Street/Abbey Road exit
Take the W. 14th Street ramp
Go straight through light (will be on W. 14th then)
Pass Lincoln Park on left
turn LEFT on Clark Rd/Ave.
go 1-2 blocks, LOOK FOR KENNEL SIGNS - turn LEFT on W. 11th toward KENNELS
keep going on W. 11th - FOLLOW KENNEL SIGNS - take a big right and around the curve are Clark Fields on the left.

(if you follow the Clark Fields signs on Clark Rd. past W.11th it'll take you all the way around a bunch of ??blrgfrjd*stuff and then it gets confusing and it wastes gas)

From West Side via I-90 heading East:

I-90 East
take W. 25th exit
cross W. 25th (go thru light) and continue on one way street until it dead ends (coupla blocks) -
turn RIGHT at end of one way street onto Scranton Road
coupla blocks, turn LEFT on Clark Rd/Ave.
go 1-2 blocks, LOOK FOR KENNEL SIGNS - turn LEFT on W. 11th toward KENNELS
keep going on W. 11th - FOLLOW KENNEL SIGNS - take a big right and around the curve are Clark Fields on the left.

(if you follow the Clark Fields signs past W.11th, it'll take you all the way around a bunch of *stuff* and then it gets confusing and it wastes gas)

That is the most straightforward way I know to go.

People coming from the South Side (i.e. 480/71/77) - not sure exactly, but if you find your way to the corner of W.14th and Clark, you can find it)
June 29, 2007 08:09PM
a-ha! i totally know where that is. i got lost down there once in the pitch blackness.

Drinking Electricity-all your new wave, no wave and post-punk favorites
Friday nights 9pm-11pm
July 01, 2007 09:23PM
WCSB won two hard fought games today.

Next up, bowling.
July 02, 2007 12:43AM
I was disappointed when almost all the WRUW people left right after the second game. Did they really think that we were just going to go home without having an afterparty? I thought it would have been fun to mingle with them, but noooo...

So, I think we beat them in the competition that really counts, which is "Which station is the best at partying?" We know how to party much better than they do, it seems.

Too bad. sad smiley

If we really do have this bowling thing, WRUW is going to have to wise up and assume that there will probably be some sort of afterparty afterwards. Even if it is us just staying at the bowling alley for a while and having some food/drinks. Even if we lose.

Especially if we lose. We know how drown our problems in alcohol.

(Except for me because I'm completely straightedge. I'd be facing the problem of our hypothetical inadequacy completely head on.)
July 02, 2007 12:49AM
By the way... For those who don't know, John from the show "Blue Monday" showed up and actually pitched a few innings during the first game. That was awesome!
July 03, 2007 10:30PM
The garbage cans by either bench really summed up the attitudes of both stations. Ours was filled with empty Vodka and Gin bottles as well as the remnents of a case of PBR. WRUW's was filled with Evian bottles and Starbucks coffee cups.

Scruggscorp Syndicated Radio
Sunday Nights, Midnight- 2 AM
Anonymous User
July 05, 2007 01:27AM
"Ever seen a grown man naked?"...Well I have...and that pretty much somes up the Game ...we Won! Yup yup!
July 05, 2007 08:54AM
You can check out the team photo on the <a href="[www.wcsb.org] page</a>.
July 05, 2007 09:59AM
you know, i was left out of TWO photos that weekend...on saturday (while i was at rollerderby, my extended family took a group photo at my grandma's birthday party, FORGETTING that they were missing someone! i'm serious.
and then on sunday, the kickball photo. i hear it was taken RIGHT after i left!

i think somebody up there hates me. haha

Drinking Electricity-all your new wave, no wave and post-punk favorites
Friday nights 9pm-11pm
July 05, 2007 10:31PM
Felipe's head is in the way. You can't see me.
July 06, 2007 09:42AM
i was wondering where you were! see, i should have been there to position everyone like i used to do at sears. haha
July 07, 2007 02:52PM

You can check out the team photo on the news page.

Nice pic! Can anyone tell us who's who?

"This is No Money Mark. Why are you listening to WCSB Cleveland?"
July 09, 2007 12:15PM
Bocce is a nice outdoors version of bowling (sort of).
July 09, 2007 02:53PM
I am on the right, in a bandanna,just left of the seductive new GM.I suck @ bowling, but will participate--especially for the "11th frame". <ZZZZZZZ#~~~~ Bocce would be good, or even horseshoes, if they can match our white trashiness.

Rockstar Mode
Late Sat./ early Sun.
2-7 am EDT
July 12, 2007 03:28PM
It was a blast. The garbage cans do tell the tale well though. I know there were pictures taken of them. Can someone post them on our site? Also, in the team pic, I'm completely blocked by all the amazing masculine studlyness in the front row. WE ROCK & KICK ASS!!!
July 12, 2007 05:14PM
Dora took the pictures of the garbage cans and she is not yet registered for the forum. Are there any other pictures?
July 12, 2007 07:18PM
Um... "coolchicana" <i>is</i> Dora.

Did someone else actually take them?
July 12, 2007 07:37PM
uh, oh. i was standing next to Dora when she took them.
July 12, 2007 07:39PM
I think. Isn't Dora that nice lady with curly hair who was yelling things at WRUW? I met her that day. Yesterday, in an email, she was saying she wasn't registered yet. She must have done it quickly. I don't know. I'm confused, I guess.
July 12, 2007 07:50PM
Wait, Wait, I remember now. I was standing next to Dora, rearranging the garbage can with her, after she suggested someone take the pictures of the garbage cans. I can't remember who actually took them. I think David, Elizabeth, Keith Newman, or Lisa, but I might be completely wrong.
July 13, 2007 09:05AM
Yes. I am me. Thanks for calling me a "lady". I don't think WRUW felt the same way that day though smileys with beer Anyway, I know this is a pain in the ass, but next time, lets do intros so everyone knows who everyone is. I really wish that would have happened. Does anyone know if we have a date yet for the bowling challenge w/ WRUW? I can reserve an informal "practice" night for those of you who are interested in honing your bowling skills. It would be at Brown's lanes in the Brooklyn Center neighborhood on the near westside. Let me know if anyone is interested.
July 13, 2007 11:27AM
From a former fearless leader & legendary GM ...Steve Wainstead replies:

Jul 11, 2007 10:50 PM

Subject: RE: FYI

Body: As if there were ANY DOUBT!!!

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Coolchicana
Date: Jul 2, 2007 11:52 AM

Thought you'd like to know that in the kickball game this past Sunday, WCSB KICKED WRUW'S ASSES!!!! TWICE!!!!!
July 13, 2007 04:07PM
I took a few pictures, I think a couple of team pictures (someone used my camera), and I'm not sure of what else. Yes, Dora did in fact take photos of the trash cans (very funny idea), but I can't remember whose camera she used. It was maybe mine. I'll know when I get the film developed (soon).
Steve Traina and Steve Sidik also took photos. Steve S. was the one videotaping - we were going to edit that thing, thanks for reminding me.

I will finish this roll this weekend and get the pics to Bart or whoever needs to scan them before the next GM. If that sounds like a plan.


Dora is a TRIP!!!! That was an awesome day. Everybody rocked.

Good times.

Thanks to all (including WRUW).

and special thanks to Felipe(and Beth?) for the T-shirts, those were GREAT!!!

also, special thanks to Erin B. and Nick for bringing the veggie grill cookout.

I was thinking that if we do another "thing" of some sort with WRUW or another station, perhaps it would be a good idea to plan an informal cookout after the "thing" so we can meet each other and hang out more.
Anonymous User
July 15, 2007 11:14AM
Yes. I am me. Thanks for calling me a "lady". I don't think WRUW felt the same way that day though smileys with beer Anyway, I know this is a pain in the ass, but next time, lets do intros so everyone knows who everyone is. I really wish that would have happened. Does anyone know if we have a date yet for the bowling challenge w/ WRUW? I can reserve an informal "practice" night for those of you who are interested in honing your bowling skills. It would be at Brown's lanes in the Brooklyn Center neighborhood on the near westside. Let me know if anyone is interested.

...As for a date on our next challenge ....WRUW seems to have Studio-O-Rama on their mind...right now
July 27, 2007 12:46AM
For our next event, we should get a keg or two. I work @ the Chophouse and can get kegs of wonderful, delicious beer for $65, versus PBR alone is $76.

Rockstar Mode
Late Sat./ early Sun.
2-7 am EDT
July 27, 2007 04:37PM
I gotta make friends with this guy...
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