Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
August 13, 2007 12:44PM
At the end of "Synesthesia" last night, Dr. Sinister announced that he was quitting the show, presumably due to his frustration with prank calls. Does anybody know if this is real, or a prank similar to the one he pulled on April Fool's Day?

"This is No Money Mark. Why are you listening to WCSB Cleveland?"
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
August 17, 2007 02:16PM
That can't be true! We cannot be deprived of that amazingly sexy voice, sharp wit, and biting sarcasm. It's waaaay hot!
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
August 17, 2007 02:17PM dirty to me baby.
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
August 17, 2007 02:54PM
I don't know if Dr. Sinister was pulling another prank. I think he might have just been really disgusted by how his show was going and wanted to quit. Whether or not he still feels like it right now is another thing.

I actually enjoyed the last show, though. Bernie was more entertaining than usual with that anal pap smear conspiracy theory. Also, I enjoyed what Dr. Sinister had to say about why sports are frivolous. And I thought the part at the end where Dr. Sinister had that long conversation with the prank caller who calls in just to say "nappy-headed ho's" was really funny.

I think Dr. Sinister needs to take a page from 669's playbook and learn how to roll with the punches from the prank callers. Prank callers never seem to ruin 669 for some reason. I think it has something to do with 669 just not taking them too seriously. Maybe Dr. Sinister could find some inspiration from that.
Anonymous User
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
August 17, 2007 11:27PM
Mommy sez that for every phone that Sassy hears ring ...his heart begins to sting.... and then he cries....that was dumb ...ignore it!
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
August 19, 2007 04:28AM
Perhaps he should roll w/ it. I have become angry on air before, though, too. I mean MEAN! However, that is who Sassy is, as well as his show. The Doc is a little more serious, especially his show. However, I love drinking with Dr. He can be just as intelligent and even funnier than on his show.

Rockstar Mode
Late Sat./ early Sun.
2-7 am EDT
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
August 19, 2007 10:33AM
He's serious, but not that serious. I think he could roll with it if he can figure out how.
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
August 20, 2007 09:37AM
The Smoking Loon
Perhaps he should roll w/ it. I have become angry on air before, though, too. I mean MEAN! However, that is who Sassy is, as well as his show. The Doc is a little more serious, especially his show. However, I love drinking with Dr. He can be just as intelligent and even funnier than on his show.

Not to mention he is quite the ladies man. The Doc has got game!
Anonymous User
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
August 21, 2007 10:24AM
What is all this "Rolling" we is talking about. Somebody is doing X at the station and not telling me? (J/K)
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
August 22, 2007 05:04PM
Anyone know what's up with the Doc? He didn't say anything on the air, nor did he play any of his Synaethesia IDs this past Sunday.

Was he actually there?
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
August 23, 2007 10:11AM
maybe he went on one of those "man retreats" where you go out to the woods in a loincloth to find your true self.

Drinking Electricity-all your new wave, no wave and post-punk favorites
Friday nights 9pm-11pm
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
August 23, 2007 06:31PM
"papa papa dadda dadda....I AM ANIMAL"

haha...i bet thats exactly what you were thinking!!!!!
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
August 24, 2007 10:48AM was actually.

Drinking Electricity-all your new wave, no wave and post-punk favorites
Friday nights 9pm-11pm
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
August 24, 2007 06:58PM
Dr. Synester did not run his show this week. The week he announced he was leaving he seemed genuinely pissed off and I'm not sure if he's going to come back. Although he has not officially given up his time slot it might just be a formallity he has not gotten around to yet. If he really is hanging up his headphones, I will miss his show greatly.

Scruggscorp Syndicated Radio
Sunday Nights, Midnight- 2 AM
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
October 15, 2007 02:07AM
haha i just finally read the kids in the hall reply

i like the "these are the daves i know i know" song

i think i might have played that once on the radio...
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
October 15, 2007 09:52AM
i've played it several times...that and "what is that fat man doing across the road?"--they always elicit favorable responses. haha
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
November 02, 2007 11:31PM

And I found him a nice shirt too...

I do wish he comes back, even when it was kinda bland I still regularly listened to the show, well like once a month at most now as i am usually out or on duty. Tis the Grey Man btw NoMoneyMark! Been too long!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2007 11:36PM by residentgrey.
Re: Goodbye, Dr. Sinister?
November 03, 2007 06:21AM
I do wish he comes back...

Um... Actually, he never left. I think he did one week where he didn't talk on the air at all. But Dr. Sinister is still there every Sunday night from 10 to midnight, keeping it surreal.
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