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new radiothon psa by sergio and lupone.

Posted by RKoloda 
new radiothon psa by sergio and lupone.
October 24, 2007 11:50AM
play it and play it often
it is in the same jaded entertaining view as our past hits.
Re: new radiothon psa by sergio and lupone.
October 24, 2007 01:04PM
Is it less than a half-hour long?
tongue sticking out smiley

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Re: new radiothon psa by sergio and lupone.
October 24, 2007 02:05PM
The edited version is --but not the director's cut
Re: new radiothon psa by sergio and lupone.
October 24, 2007 05:38PM
Maybe you'd like to have the director's cut available to play. A lot of times, it's helpful to be able to stall for time with a long cart during Radiothon...

Anyway, I might post a preview MP3 for station members so you'll know what it'll be like. Our cart can't be played until Radiothon starts because it mentions the pledgeline number.

Also, if anyone involved with approving carts is reading this, I actually have to fix a volume problem with the cart. Content-wise, it's finished, so you can approve the actual message of it. But I have to fix the ending because the volume of the ending seems to be significantly lower than everything else.
Re: new radiothon psa by sergio and lupone.
October 25, 2007 09:37AM
why not make it so the there is one without the pledge line number so it can be played now --or have the programmer use their brains and end it after the music before the phone number.
Re: new radiothon psa by sergio and lupone.
October 25, 2007 12:44PM
or have the programmer use their brains and end it after the music before the phone number.

Mr. Count,

You are forgetting that Halloween is upon us and it's very likely that many, if not all, WCSB Programmers will have had their brains eaten by zombies sometime over the coming weekend. Takes time for those things to grow back. : )

Best not to depend on live editing, imo.
Re: new radiothon psa by sergio and lupone.
October 25, 2007 03:05PM
also you should not assume that someone would know that the number was coming up...maybe YOU do because you made it, but that doesn't mean anything for anyone else.
Re: new radiothon psa by sergio and lupone.
October 31, 2007 04:05AM
Zombies? Maybe "The.." and "White...", but Never "Rob...(solo)". Worcestershire sauce is not to be used as embalming fluid--even on dj's.

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